Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Things

(Because I am in need of some optimism in my life.)
  • Raising almost $35,000 for Make-A-Wish on the Ride-for-Life a couple of weeks ago.
  • Staying caught up on homework, no matter how boring it is.
  • Realizing that college is hard, but knowing that I have the capability to get myself through it.
  • Visiting with my second momma this afternoon
  • Finding out that I'm most likely going to be able to go to Cedar this weekend with my parents, who are running a half marathon, and I'm going to visit friends! (AKA Kristy, Michaela and Carly! So excited! :))
  • Donating money to this wonderful family. Seriously you NEED to read their story. It's incredible.
  • Just reading up on their blog and finding out that my donation will be doubled. WOW. That's A LOT of money... I love knowing that it will make all the difference. Please donate even the slightest if you can. Even if it's just a dollar, it will be accepted with gratitude.
  • Having the best friend in the world! Love you chub :)

  • And I can't really think of anything else. College is hard and I'm still not used to it, but as my good friend Lauren Van Cott would quote,
"Never give up, never surrender."
Good night everyone :)

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