Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crazy: Any Ideas?

Sometimes, this is how I feel (refer to picture below). 

Photo taken by: Cecile Thomas
And to be perfectly honest, it's not ideal. Have you ever felt like ripping your hair out, screaming at the world and telling them to just get the heck away from you and you might not say it so nicely. Sometimes I feel like that, so I find ways to cope with it (obviously) and be happy no matter what. I've learned (or shall I say relearned) that you are the only one that make yourself happy. Not God, not your friends, not anything or anyone but yourself. So the key, I've decided, is to make time in your crazy high school life to do things that you enjoy doing. It's a lot easier than you might think. First do a self-assessment: Are you comfortable with your life right now? Are you currently trying to work through a trial or problem with either yourself or a friend, or even an acquaintance that you may not be too fond of?
Well, to be perfectly honest there are only certain things that you can do to help yourself sometimes. And one of my calm yourself and just chill out tactics is editing photos. Being creative somehow stimulates my mind into feeling better. Sometimes I need ideas to get my thought process going though. So any ideas to add to my going insane picture? I'll be doing stuff with it in my photo class (which is totally ridiculous by the way) but I wanted to know if anyone had any clever ideas to do with this. I've got a few, but who knows what I'll come up with. Especially since I am able to let my train of thoughts wander else where. What's your I refuse to go insane tactic? How do you keep from going crazy from all the stress of every day life?

Please. Enlighten me.


  1. Hey vanna, I must say that I really like this post. As to your question on refusing to go insane tacticts, I would say the one thing keeping me from doing something stupid to myself in the past two years has been tutoring. At pg we have this lab after school open to anyone, although those who come are mostly our esl students. When I help I feel important, I feel that because of who I am I can give something back that no one else could. Even though there are a good number of people at school that have openly told me that they hate me, I feel as if I belong when I tutor. Sorry for the really long comment, after reading your post I felt inspired to share.

  2. haha oh savanna your tactics are very nice, my tactic is to go into a quite room and read book for an hour..its very calming!
    try it :) it works
