So I go to the temple every week right? Well, we usually go every Tuesday and there just so happens to be a very cute brother there who works in the baptistry and just so happens to be relatively closer to my age than any other brother working at the temple ;)
He also happens to be very cute, and we have had many laughs with him in past weeks. For example, a couple weeks ago, Dallin got called "Sister Openshaw". He usually does get called "Sister Openshaw" because he usually goes after his sisters, but this lovely brother happened to call him a sister IN THE PRAYER. We all busted up laughing after the prayer and it was hilarious.
Okay, so today I go with just my sister and we're sitting in the baptistry where this cute brother is (of course) and we wait for a while and it's totally my turn and I walk into the font and he takes me by the hand (as does he with every girl so they don't slip), we exchanged greetings (and I assume that he remembers me after several weeks). I put my other hand on his wrist and then realized that I didn't let go of his hand. HAHA, seriously, I can't get over it. We both realized that we were basically holding hands.... and immediately (and awkwardly) tried to fix it. He apologized really quickly and oh my gosh. It was just really embarrassing. Hilarious, but TOTALLY embarrassing. Well, I hope that I provided you with a laugh, or at least a smile.
Moral of the story is: if you think the guy working in the temple is cute, don't forget to bring your brain with you. This is sacred work people! Now focus!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Switching Roles
Tonight is kind of weird. I should be studying for my Art History Exam tomorrow... but I'm not. I know, I'm sUUUper disciplined. I'll just be glad to have this test done and over with.
So you're probably wondering why tonight is weird... well, it's not because of procrastinating... it's cause I'm emotionally unstable currently. I need to get myself in check! It would just be nice if a certain someone would just go on his mission already. Yep, that would be good. Then I could more fully focus on mine. That would be nice. But he helped me work through things. And he helped me feel better. It was weird because usually I'm the one comforting him... odd. We definitely switched roles tonight. The world is turning upside-down my friends. Run for your lives!
So you're probably wondering why tonight is weird... well, it's not because of procrastinating... it's cause I'm emotionally unstable currently. I need to get myself in check! It would just be nice if a certain someone would just go on his mission already. Yep, that would be good. Then I could more fully focus on mine. That would be nice. But he helped me work through things. And he helped me feel better. It was weird because usually I'm the one comforting him... odd. We definitely switched roles tonight. The world is turning upside-down my friends. Run for your lives!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Just the Little Things
Tonight I'm finishing up on some stuff for personal progress. No, I haven't finished yet, but I'll be finishing tonight. I know it's about time I got around to wrapping it up, but that's not the point of this post. One of the experiences requires us to go back and read two general conference talks of our choosing that relate to womanhood. I instantly thought of the talk that was given in the October 2011 General Relief Society Meeting that was given by Presiden Uchtdorf.
One thing that impacted me the most as I watched and listened to him speak again tonight was his emphasis on enjoying the small things. He pointed out that a lot of the time we are so focused on the end result in our journey through life that we forget to notice all of the other good things in our life while we are trying to obtain that BIG goal, when in reality, we should be able to realize the happenings in our lives that are small and simple. Whether it be something that happened today or yesterday that was somewhat insignificant, but just so happened to make you feel that much better and maybe happened to put a smile on your face.
Let me share a personal example of my own that may help you better understand what President Uchtdorf is trying to help the women of the church (as well as anyone in the world) should consider. Although this example may seem simple, I still believes that it exemplifies exactly what he is trying to say, but only on a much smaller scale.
We all know that Monday is known for its stigma of being the worst day of the week. We generally tend to dread Mondays and always tend to look forward to Fridays and the beginning of the weekend. This also causes us to maybe not enjoy the rest of the week as we are just trying to make it to the weekend alive. But here are some things that I realized made the last week worth my while.
Last Sunday, I had a meeting with my bishop to talk about going on a mission. I then went to mission prep after that and enjoyed the wonderful lesson given by Sister Nyland. Also, something to mention is that our mission prep class (which I had started attending before they made the announcement) had tripled in size! There were a whoppin' 12 people there! Heck yes. Haha, anyways, after that I was able to spend some time with a dear friend.
Well, then Monday rolled around and I was able to sleep in because I didn't have to leave until about 11:30 that morning. Fortunately, I was able to make a list of all of the wonderful things that had happened that day, as well as on Tuesday. I love realizing the little things. For another experience in personal progress, I had decided to write down at least 3-5 things every night for a few weeks of things that were good that happened that day. This was during a time where I was really busy and didn't have much time to fully write out the happenings of my day, so even when it was a somewhat rough day, I was able to sort through everything that occurred that day and write down even the smallest of things that turned out to make me realize that I had had a wonderful day. Here's an example:
November 10, 2011 - I had to sweep and mop the wrestling room today [by myself] and Izak was nice enough to stay and wait for me. I was definitely grateful for that - it was awfully nice of him to do tha for me :)
November 11, 2011 - This morning before the [freedom] assembly, we were doing a few run throughs and I ran to the back of the gym and ran up the bleachers and tripped and fell. And somehow managed to get a bruise on top of my foot. Ha... yeah, it hurts, but it was hilarious and embarrassing a bit. Especially when Dad spoke into the mic and said (rather loudly), "Hey, did everyone see Savanna trip?"
November 14, 2011 - Today was a minimal day, which was nice. I always love those days.
November 15, 2011 - [In choir today] singing those wonderful songs was awesome. We even went out into the hallway where the acoustic was much better and it was just wonderful. I hope that we'll be able to do it again tomorrow. It was just very therapeutic whenver we sing those wonderful songs with such power. It was just freaking awesome. Durtschi said that when we get a little better, we'll go out into the commons. That will be freaking sweet!
November 17, 2011 - I asked Coach [Harris] why he asked me to be a manager. Seriously though, I didn't volunteer, he asked me, therefore I asked him why. He said, "What? You don't want to?" and I said, "Coach, if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't." "Oh, alright." (Of course this is where he smiles and he has the most contagious smile. It's awesome.) "But really, why?" "Because I like you. I think you're awesome!" Haha, okay. I'll take it :)
So as you can tell, none of the things that I just shared with you above have any life-changing qualities, but they were just expressions of gratitude for the little things. Some are simpler and others are more detailed, but things like this still just make me smile. It also made me realize that my life really is good and it only takes a small amount of time to think about and write down the wonderful things that happened throughout your day. It makes you a lot more grateful for the little things and the tender mercies that carry you throughout the week. So here's the last one of the night that happened last night:
October 20, 2012 - Yesterday after spending 3 hours at the Provo Temple, I didn't really do much for the rest of the day. I ended up meeting a couple of girls in PG to take their pictures for Sadies. (I miss high school dances.) After I got done with them, I headed over to Shawna's house to hang out and wait for Nikki to get home so that I could go and watch some movies with her. I was getting impatient and Brett had invited me over to hang out with him and so I decided to head over there to his house to hang out. We ended up watching Charlie Chaplin, which was fun because Brett had never seen any of his movies before, and we just talked the whole time. It was nice to get to talk to someone who is SO good at listening! It was also fun to try and get him to talk for long periods of time (about REALLY random things). I talked about some of my frustrations and he just patiently listened and heard me out. Another thing that I noticed was when Ruth came downstairs, she was laughing and crying (apparently a sign of exhaustion) and Brett immediately got up to give his sister a hug and to comfort her. It was really sweet to see that. It just made me love him even more. :)
Enjoy your night everyone and remember to look for the small and simple things (Alma 37:6-7) to brighten your day and help you to be happy on your journey! :)
One thing that impacted me the most as I watched and listened to him speak again tonight was his emphasis on enjoying the small things. He pointed out that a lot of the time we are so focused on the end result in our journey through life that we forget to notice all of the other good things in our life while we are trying to obtain that BIG goal, when in reality, we should be able to realize the happenings in our lives that are small and simple. Whether it be something that happened today or yesterday that was somewhat insignificant, but just so happened to make you feel that much better and maybe happened to put a smile on your face.
Let me share a personal example of my own that may help you better understand what President Uchtdorf is trying to help the women of the church (as well as anyone in the world) should consider. Although this example may seem simple, I still believes that it exemplifies exactly what he is trying to say, but only on a much smaller scale.
We all know that Monday is known for its stigma of being the worst day of the week. We generally tend to dread Mondays and always tend to look forward to Fridays and the beginning of the weekend. This also causes us to maybe not enjoy the rest of the week as we are just trying to make it to the weekend alive. But here are some things that I realized made the last week worth my while.
Last Sunday, I had a meeting with my bishop to talk about going on a mission. I then went to mission prep after that and enjoyed the wonderful lesson given by Sister Nyland. Also, something to mention is that our mission prep class (which I had started attending before they made the announcement) had tripled in size! There were a whoppin' 12 people there! Heck yes. Haha, anyways, after that I was able to spend some time with a dear friend.
Well, then Monday rolled around and I was able to sleep in because I didn't have to leave until about 11:30 that morning. Fortunately, I was able to make a list of all of the wonderful things that had happened that day, as well as on Tuesday. I love realizing the little things. For another experience in personal progress, I had decided to write down at least 3-5 things every night for a few weeks of things that were good that happened that day. This was during a time where I was really busy and didn't have much time to fully write out the happenings of my day, so even when it was a somewhat rough day, I was able to sort through everything that occurred that day and write down even the smallest of things that turned out to make me realize that I had had a wonderful day. Here's an example:
November 10, 2011 - I had to sweep and mop the wrestling room today [by myself] and Izak was nice enough to stay and wait for me. I was definitely grateful for that - it was awfully nice of him to do tha for me :)
November 11, 2011 - This morning before the [freedom] assembly, we were doing a few run throughs and I ran to the back of the gym and ran up the bleachers and tripped and fell. And somehow managed to get a bruise on top of my foot. Ha... yeah, it hurts, but it was hilarious and embarrassing a bit. Especially when Dad spoke into the mic and said (rather loudly), "Hey, did everyone see Savanna trip?"
November 14, 2011 - Today was a minimal day, which was nice. I always love those days.
November 15, 2011 - [In choir today] singing those wonderful songs was awesome. We even went out into the hallway where the acoustic was much better and it was just wonderful. I hope that we'll be able to do it again tomorrow. It was just very therapeutic whenver we sing those wonderful songs with such power. It was just freaking awesome. Durtschi said that when we get a little better, we'll go out into the commons. That will be freaking sweet!
November 17, 2011 - I asked Coach [Harris] why he asked me to be a manager. Seriously though, I didn't volunteer, he asked me, therefore I asked him why. He said, "What? You don't want to?" and I said, "Coach, if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't." "Oh, alright." (Of course this is where he smiles and he has the most contagious smile. It's awesome.) "But really, why?" "Because I like you. I think you're awesome!" Haha, okay. I'll take it :)
So as you can tell, none of the things that I just shared with you above have any life-changing qualities, but they were just expressions of gratitude for the little things. Some are simpler and others are more detailed, but things like this still just make me smile. It also made me realize that my life really is good and it only takes a small amount of time to think about and write down the wonderful things that happened throughout your day. It makes you a lot more grateful for the little things and the tender mercies that carry you throughout the week. So here's the last one of the night that happened last night:
October 20, 2012 - Yesterday after spending 3 hours at the Provo Temple, I didn't really do much for the rest of the day. I ended up meeting a couple of girls in PG to take their pictures for Sadies. (I miss high school dances.) After I got done with them, I headed over to Shawna's house to hang out and wait for Nikki to get home so that I could go and watch some movies with her. I was getting impatient and Brett had invited me over to hang out with him and so I decided to head over there to his house to hang out. We ended up watching Charlie Chaplin, which was fun because Brett had never seen any of his movies before, and we just talked the whole time. It was nice to get to talk to someone who is SO good at listening! It was also fun to try and get him to talk for long periods of time (about REALLY random things). I talked about some of my frustrations and he just patiently listened and heard me out. Another thing that I noticed was when Ruth came downstairs, she was laughing and crying (apparently a sign of exhaustion) and Brett immediately got up to give his sister a hug and to comfort her. It was really sweet to see that. It just made me love him even more. :)
Enjoy your night everyone and remember to look for the small and simple things (Alma 37:6-7) to brighten your day and help you to be happy on your journey! :)
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Three Hours Worth of Waiting
I woke up to a text message this morning from my good friend, Kiara. She asked what I was up to today and said that I had something going on this evening but just planned on lounging around the house for the rest of the day. She then asked if I wanted to go to the temple. Of course I said yes and asked her what time she wanted me to come and pick her up. She said 9:30. Brilliant. I went to pick her up at her apartment in Provo and we headed over to the Provo temple. We were expecting to have to wait for a bit, but I did NOT anticipate the morning ahead. When we got there, we went downstairs and got our jumpsuits. I started heading to the locker room when they stopped me and told me that there was another room full of kids waiting to do baptisms.
They took us around the corner where there was a small chapel that was about halfway full and they were all singing hymns. AWESOME. I'm glad that we could sing while we were waiting. After a few hymns, someone else needed the room, so they transferred us over to the cafeteria to sing while we waited. It was magical and the little old lady that was there was so feisty. I told Kiara that I wanted to be like her someday :)
After a little over an hour, it was our turn to go into the locker rooms to change. We then came out and waited to do confirmations. That only took about 20 minutes, but then we waited another hour and a half probably to get into the baptistry. Kiara decided that we were in there for about 3 hours. Was it worth it to only do 2 confirmations and 3 baptisms? Absolutely. Anything to help.
I find it to be a bit frustrating when people (like the ones that left early) are frustrated with the long wait. Well, in all honesty, I make it a big deal to not go to the temple unless you have the time to be there and to be there patiently. If you're in a hurry, you tend to focus more on where you are going to be rather than where you are. It's okay to go other places; we're all busy people in this busy world, but the temple is a place for peace and NOT contention.
While I was waiting to perform the ordinances, I sang, read out of the Book of Mormon, pondered, meditated, prayed. . .all of which are great things to do. So if you're in need of some great pondering and meditation and are more than willing to be patient, Saturday is a great day to go to the Provo temple. :)
They took us around the corner where there was a small chapel that was about halfway full and they were all singing hymns. AWESOME. I'm glad that we could sing while we were waiting. After a few hymns, someone else needed the room, so they transferred us over to the cafeteria to sing while we waited. It was magical and the little old lady that was there was so feisty. I told Kiara that I wanted to be like her someday :)
After a little over an hour, it was our turn to go into the locker rooms to change. We then came out and waited to do confirmations. That only took about 20 minutes, but then we waited another hour and a half probably to get into the baptistry. Kiara decided that we were in there for about 3 hours. Was it worth it to only do 2 confirmations and 3 baptisms? Absolutely. Anything to help.
I find it to be a bit frustrating when people (like the ones that left early) are frustrated with the long wait. Well, in all honesty, I make it a big deal to not go to the temple unless you have the time to be there and to be there patiently. If you're in a hurry, you tend to focus more on where you are going to be rather than where you are. It's okay to go other places; we're all busy people in this busy world, but the temple is a place for peace and NOT contention.
While I was waiting to perform the ordinances, I sang, read out of the Book of Mormon, pondered, meditated, prayed. . .all of which are great things to do. So if you're in need of some great pondering and meditation and are more than willing to be patient, Saturday is a great day to go to the Provo temple. :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
My Love for Letters
Besides the inconvenience of the time that it takes to be delivered, snail-mail truly is the most amazing thing ever. I really, truly and sincerely, LOVE writing letters. The only thing I love more than writing them, is receiving them. No joke. It's only the best thing in the world. So if you feel like you want to write me a letter, please feel free. If you feel as though you would like a letter, just pop a comment down below or message me on Facebook or something and tell me what kind of letter I can offer you. I write all sorts. Even if I've never written the kind of letter that you are in need of, I'm always willing to try something new. Just like having three religious classes. This will consist of five 50 minute classes each week between each of the three different classes. It'll be awesome.
So let me tell you exactly WHY I love writing and receiving letters. And why not make it into a list? Because I obviously LOVE lists and I obviously LOVE procrastinating studying for my midterm tomorrow... gah, let's face it, there's no hope for me.
Why I Love Giving and Receiving Letters
So let me tell you exactly WHY I love writing and receiving letters. And why not make it into a list? Because I obviously LOVE lists and I obviously LOVE procrastinating studying for my midterm tomorrow... gah, let's face it, there's no hope for me.
Why I Love Giving and Receiving Letters
- I love writing letters because I am able to spend the time thinking about what to say to someone. Of course this is a lot different than speaking words because they are able to hold it and the tangible feeling is always more sentimental.
- When I can help it, I prefer to hand-write my letters, but if I don't have the time to write out everything that needs to be said, I simply type the letter and send it off in an envelope, but that's only if I'm really in desperate need to save some time. (I could also spare some time on Facebook. . .anyone have any ideas to get rid of that bad habit?) Needless to say though, I print off the letter that I type and send it (either in an envelope if they are along distant away or in an envelope if they are close to home - I love envelopes. They're so convenient.) I try VERY hard not to email any letters if I can help it, (depending on who/what it's for) just because I know that I would prefer to hold the letter in my hands and read it rather than reading it off the computer screen. Of course the words and the meaning would be the same, but the tangibility just adds to the sentimentality of the entire letter.
- I love being able to tell someone about my day through a letter. It's nice to know that someone cares enough to hear about what's going on in your life and it's also nice to let out a breather and be able to release some feelings through writing, especially if you know someone is on the receiving end and you're not just talking to yourself.
- There's always a nice feeling when you are able to tell someone all the great things about themselves. It's amazing to know that someone was able to smile because of you.
- There is just something about a pen in my hand and flowing across the paper. I have pretty nice handwriting and so it's fun to look back on it and look at it. Weird, I know. Don't judge.
- It's nice to get exciting things in the mail too. I love sending pictures or using fun paper. I have recently sent several pictures as well as using yellow paper and neon orange paper. It just makes it all the more fun to send the letters.
- I found the COOLEST stamps EVER. They're amazing. They have Disney characters on them. Disney-Pixar characters that is. They're pretty much the coolest thing EVER. :)
- I feel as though nothing is better than receiving a letter. It's a reminder that someone cares about you enough to take the time out of their day to write you a letter/note letting you know that they were thinking about you and that they cared enough to express it to you.
- I love looking in the mailbox every day to just find my parents bills and newpaper ads stuffed in the tiny compartment (not!) but I love being able to look through the envelopes and find one with my name on it. There's just something so fascinating about it. It's marvelous.
- I love my name on the envelope because it just reassures me that it's mine and no one elses. (I'm kind of greedy that way. . .)
- I love the thoughtfulness that is put into letters, just knowing that they were thinking of me the entire time while writing it.
- I don't know about you, but I like unique things in letters. The most current letter that I've received in the mail - about half of it was written with a typewriter. Seriously SO AWESOME. It's not every day that you receive a letter typed up like it would have been in the 1800s through the early 1900s. Even though that was cool, I still prefer the hand-written letters. I think it's the handwriting to suffice as who they are when they're writing it. I don't know, nostalgia maybe?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A List of Gratitude
This is what I'm grateful for from yesterday:
I got to. . .
So I would vote that yesterday was a successful day and all in good company. As for today... I would consider it equally as brilliant. Today I...
I got to. . .
- sleep in.
- write a blog post about Elder Erekson.
- do my scripture study in the morning (which I've been working on)!
- pick up the chub and head on over to the campus.
- get my textbook reading done for the week.
- go to class and sit next to my twin, Hannah :)
- finish my homework and go eat lunch at Sensuous and chat with one of my childhood besties, Lexi, while doing so.
- go pick up Drew, take him home, and rush to my house to hurry and gather everything for a photo shoot.
- take pictures of the most wonderful family EVER, the Youngs (here's a sneak peek) :)
Aren't they wonderful looking? I thought so :)
- Then I was able to enjoy dinner with them and their kids. It was delicious... I'm kind of wishing now that I hadn't given my leftovers to Dad when I got home last night... ah well. What's eaten is eaten. I won't ask for it back!
So I would vote that yesterday was a successful day and all in good company. As for today... I would consider it equally as brilliant. Today I...
- had a midterm in my English class and it was pure extra credit. 29 points of extra credit and I got to choose which category the 29 points went in to and divide it however I wanted. It was freaking sweet!
- got to sit and chat with Hannah, cause let's be honest, she's my favorite, before my history class. It's so great :)
- got to listen to a lecture in my American Civ class about Mormons. The teacher told us that no one was allowed to proselyte during class. I laughed because that sounds like something I might consider doing. Okay, maybe not so much preach, but of course correct. ;)
- got to hang out with Brit and Kinz for a little bit. After my last class and before institute I headed over to the grandparents where they were hanging out and started making spoon rings with them. (Shh... don't tell grandma we used her old silverware ;)) And just a shout out to Neal for helping us. I can't wait to see how they turned out!
- went to Institute. I'm currently in a class called "Teachings of Joseph Smith" and let me tell ya, it's freaking awesome. I love it. Sometimes it's hard to go, but it's worth it every time.
- signed up for TWO more institute classes. I feel as though the adversaries are fighting against me since I've been proclaiming my desire to serve a mission. Therefore, I shall fight back. Go. Fight. Win. I signed up for "Teachings of Thomas S. Monson" and it only seemed appropriate to sign up for a missionary prep class. Besides, every mission prep class is different and the one that my stake offers is only once a month. A girl needs a little more than that.
- picked up the Drewmeister, took him home, and then made my way to the temple with my lovely neighbors. It's such a blessing to go every week. And it's super hilarious whenever they call Dallin "Sister" Openshaw. Seriously, at least four times in the past two weeks. It never fails. It was the funniest when the elder said it in the prayer without realizing it during the confirmation. Seriously, I had to cover my mouth because I was barely able to hold in the giggles. Of course after the prayer, both his sisters, as well as myself, busted into laughter and they asked what was wrong and joined in our laughter with us. They then redid the prayer, but seriously, SO funny.
- got to see one of my best friends before he got set apart as a missionary. I rushed over there after the temple in order to catch him before he left. I knocked on the door and when they said to come in, I rushed in to meet Izak and ask if he had been set apart yet. When he said no, I rushed to give him a hug. Seriously, the best hug ever. I'm going back later in order to visit with him, along with other friends, but gah, I'm gonna miss him so much. He's my first CLOSE close friend that is leaving. It's so hard, but it's totally worth it. So about an hour ago, I got my last hug from Elder Erekson for more than 2 years (because I won't get home from my mish till a few months (give or take) after him). Love you buddy.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Dear Elder Erekson. . . (A Tribute/Condensed Memory Book)
Disclaimer: Because there are so many pictures, I only included the ones with Elder Erekson in them. Of course there may be a few others if I felt they were important, but I had to minimize. . .
Dear Elder Erekson,
Oh, how the years have FLOWN by. I remember going through elementary school thinking you were weird but really smart. Then in 8th grade I laughed at you because you knew where every hymn was in the hymn book. The summer after 8th grade is when I feel like we really started becoming friends and then we just hit it off really well and since then, I can't even imagine what I would do without you! I don't even know where to start. . .
So, remember in 9th grade when you and Craig ran for president and vice president in the last election? I seriously think that you should have won. . .
And remember when I took a TON of pictures at choir concerts festivals? We had way too much fun, let me tell ya. . .
Haha, okay, random memory - do you remember me wanting to use your bowtie as a bow in my hair and you thought it was weird because then that would mean we were "dating"? HAHA, sorry, I randomly remembered that, and found it to be hilarious!
Oh and please don't forget about walking home together. We always had a blast with that :)
Dear Elder Erekson,
Oh, how the years have FLOWN by. I remember going through elementary school thinking you were weird but really smart. Then in 8th grade I laughed at you because you knew where every hymn was in the hymn book. The summer after 8th grade is when I feel like we really started becoming friends and then we just hit it off really well and since then, I can't even imagine what I would do without you! I don't even know where to start. . .
So, remember in 9th grade when you and Craig ran for president and vice president in the last election? I seriously think that you should have won. . .
![]() |
Remember when we all dressed in the same color for election day. Thanks for photo bombing our really nice picture Alex. . . haha |
Don't forget all the cheesy campaign posters :)
And remember when I took a TON of pictures at choir concerts festivals? We had way too much fun, let me tell ya. . .
Haha, okay, random memory - do you remember me wanting to use your bowtie as a bow in my hair and you thought it was weird because then that would mean we were "dating"? HAHA, sorry, I randomly remembered that, and found it to be hilarious!
Oh and please don't forget about walking home together. We always had a blast with that :)
And let's not forget your love of cats. . .
And of course your "high" voice. . . (this video is golden).
OH! And remember when you, Jordan and I went bowling? THAT was fun times and you totally kicked butt! :)
And remember when the field outside was completely untouched still and you, Kallie and I went and played in it? Heck to the yes!
And of course don't forget about some of the best days of our lives! The end of freshman year: sad, but good. :)
I have a video that goes along with this picture, but it kind of drags on forever, so I decided that the picture would suffice :) |
Oh, and remember when I used to steal your glasses and pretend like I was taking cool pictures? I really wasn't. I look like an idiot... haha!
Remember when you filmed this and took these photos? :)
This was definitely the good life.
Please don't forget about these :)
Stake dances were a blast!
So it currently just crashed my computer and deleted a whole bunch of stuff, so here's a condensed version of what I just did... #frustratedbeyondbelief
Here I am jumping to high school, which I need to condense anyways or else it will take me DAYS to finish. Haha, there are just so many memories!
Sophomore Year:
Your Obsession with the Beatles:
Geneva Carnivals and monstrous amounts of food!
Coincidental Color Coordination :)
Alex's House
Our very first Spirit Bowl!
Don't forget the various football games:
Junior Year:
Of course, the one thing I remember the most of us is Homecoming. Not only was it my first dance date, but I was lucky enough for YOU to take me. It was marvelous. And we take pretty awesome pictures if you ask me :)
Remember how I didn't want to wash my hair till right before the dance to do my hair and so my hair was still green for the day date from the game the night before? Yeah, I remember that... :) |
Haha, this picture makes me laugh every time I see it. And it's hanging up in my bedroom as well. It's just epic. |
Our senior year, we didn't do anything extravagent together, but that doesn't mean that it has to be discredited at all (even if I don't have nearly as many pictures than from years past) :)
I'm gonna miss you buddy. Have fun in Mexico and I hope that I'll be able to write to you and support you. I wish you the best of luck and I love all the fun times we've had and the wonderful memories we've made. You seriously have influenced my life for the better.
P.S. Here are a few more things that I didn't have pictures for that are definitely worth mentioning:
Remember when we made a private blog to send messages through? I wish we still did that, but obviously that's not gonna work out now. I guess we'll just have to communicate through snail mail! It's the best kind anyways. It's authentic ;)
And remember when you asked me to Homecoming through the blog with bold letters? And I didn't catch on until Kallie said something about it? How did I respond anyways? Or did I? I actually don't think I did!!!! GAH! I'm a terrible friend! If I did please remind me...
Remember when you, Kallie and I went to the movies for my 15th birthday? I had just gotten my braces on and I could only have a smoothie, but I bought you guys a sandwich and then we walked down to the dollar theater. And then remember the picture (that I have evidentally lost) where you and Kallie were both in Orem and Provo. Obviously we were so cool.
And don't forget about riding the bus every day in 10th grade. That was always a party :)
And one more picture of us, just for good measure :)
(insert picture of us the night before you leave - here)
I'm sure that there are plenty more memories that I didn't mention, but I'm sure that this will more than suffice. I love you buddy. Remember that God is mindful of you and that he loves you more than anything. See you in two years (give or take, considering I'll be leaving on my mission within the next year as well). Til we meet again,
Love, Savanna <3 font="font">3>
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