Sunday, October 28, 2012

Switching Roles

Tonight is kind of weird. I should be studying for my Art History Exam tomorrow... but I'm not. I know, I'm sUUUper disciplined. I'll just be glad to have this test done and over with.

So you're probably wondering why tonight is weird... well, it's not because of procrastinating... it's cause I'm emotionally unstable currently. I need to get myself in check! It would just be nice if a certain someone would just go on his mission already. Yep, that would be good. Then I could more fully focus on mine. That would be nice. But he helped me work through things. And he helped me feel better. It was weird because usually I'm the one comforting him... odd. We definitely switched roles tonight. The world is turning upside-down my friends. Run for your lives!

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