Dear Elder Erekson,
Oh, how the years have FLOWN by. I remember going through elementary school thinking you were weird but really smart. Then in 8th grade I laughed at you because you knew where every hymn was in the hymn book. The summer after 8th grade is when I feel like we really started becoming friends and then we just hit it off really well and since then, I can't even imagine what I would do without you! I don't even know where to start. . .
So, remember in 9th grade when you and Craig ran for president and vice president in the last election? I seriously think that you should have won. . .
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Remember when we all dressed in the same color for election day. Thanks for photo bombing our really nice picture Alex. . . haha |
Don't forget all the cheesy campaign posters :)
And remember when I took a TON of pictures at choir concerts festivals? We had way too much fun, let me tell ya. . .
Haha, okay, random memory - do you remember me wanting to use your bowtie as a bow in my hair and you thought it was weird because then that would mean we were "dating"? HAHA, sorry, I randomly remembered that, and found it to be hilarious!
Oh and please don't forget about walking home together. We always had a blast with that :)
And let's not forget your love of cats. . .
And of course your "high" voice. . . (this video is golden).
OH! And remember when you, Jordan and I went bowling? THAT was fun times and you totally kicked butt! :)
And remember when the field outside was completely untouched still and you, Kallie and I went and played in it? Heck to the yes!
And of course don't forget about some of the best days of our lives! The end of freshman year: sad, but good. :)
I have a video that goes along with this picture, but it kind of drags on forever, so I decided that the picture would suffice :) |
Oh, and remember when I used to steal your glasses and pretend like I was taking cool pictures? I really wasn't. I look like an idiot... haha!
Remember when you filmed this and took these photos? :)
This was definitely the good life.
Please don't forget about these :)
Stake dances were a blast!
So it currently just crashed my computer and deleted a whole bunch of stuff, so here's a condensed version of what I just did... #frustratedbeyondbelief
Here I am jumping to high school, which I need to condense anyways or else it will take me DAYS to finish. Haha, there are just so many memories!
Sophomore Year:
Your Obsession with the Beatles:
Geneva Carnivals and monstrous amounts of food!
Coincidental Color Coordination :)
Alex's House
Our very first Spirit Bowl!
Don't forget the various football games:
Junior Year:
Of course, the one thing I remember the most of us is Homecoming. Not only was it my first dance date, but I was lucky enough for YOU to take me. It was marvelous. And we take pretty awesome pictures if you ask me :)
Remember how I didn't want to wash my hair till right before the dance to do my hair and so my hair was still green for the day date from the game the night before? Yeah, I remember that... :) |
Haha, this picture makes me laugh every time I see it. And it's hanging up in my bedroom as well. It's just epic. |
Our senior year, we didn't do anything extravagent together, but that doesn't mean that it has to be discredited at all (even if I don't have nearly as many pictures than from years past) :)
I'm gonna miss you buddy. Have fun in Mexico and I hope that I'll be able to write to you and support you. I wish you the best of luck and I love all the fun times we've had and the wonderful memories we've made. You seriously have influenced my life for the better.
P.S. Here are a few more things that I didn't have pictures for that are definitely worth mentioning:
Remember when we made a private blog to send messages through? I wish we still did that, but obviously that's not gonna work out now. I guess we'll just have to communicate through snail mail! It's the best kind anyways. It's authentic ;)
And remember when you asked me to Homecoming through the blog with bold letters? And I didn't catch on until Kallie said something about it? How did I respond anyways? Or did I? I actually don't think I did!!!! GAH! I'm a terrible friend! If I did please remind me...
Remember when you, Kallie and I went to the movies for my 15th birthday? I had just gotten my braces on and I could only have a smoothie, but I bought you guys a sandwich and then we walked down to the dollar theater. And then remember the picture (that I have evidentally lost) where you and Kallie were both in Orem and Provo. Obviously we were so cool.
And don't forget about riding the bus every day in 10th grade. That was always a party :)
And one more picture of us, just for good measure :)
(insert picture of us the night before you leave - here)
I'm sure that there are plenty more memories that I didn't mention, but I'm sure that this will more than suffice. I love you buddy. Remember that God is mindful of you and that he loves you more than anything. See you in two years (give or take, considering I'll be leaving on my mission within the next year as well). Til we meet again,
Love, Savanna <3 font="font">3>
There is no like button...;) I'll miss ya Izak!